
Saturday, August 29, 2009

An Easy to Follow Outline to Whiten Teeth at Home

Are your teeth a few shades darker than you would like? You are not alone. Yellowing teeth is a common problem among people today. Every day, more and more people are taking steps to lighten the color of their teeth, and they would like to know how to whiten teeth at home. Some would prefer them to be just a shade or two lighter. Others need to have the brightest smile they can get. Whatever your tastes, there are a few things you should know about whitening yellow teeth.

The primary reason that teeth become yellow is that they are stained. Drinking dark liquids such as black coffee, tea or wine every day causes residue to become trapped on the surface of your teeth. Similarly, smoking or other tobacco products leave behind tiny particles that adhere to the teeth. Over time, the residue and particles build up, until they turn your teeth several shades darker than their natural color.

In order to whiten teeth at home, you will need to decide on a product that will suit you. You can choose from products such as whitening toothpastes, coated strips, marking pens or whitening trays. Each has an obvious benefit, but they don't all perform equally. Toothpaste is easy, since it is a part of your daily tooth care. Marking pens can be done in a just a few moments, but the effects are very temporary. Strips work well, but they only come in one size, which means they may not fit your mouth. Trays tend to work the best, since they cover all of your teeth and provide the most contact. Whatever your pleasure may be, the means to whiten teeth at home are at your disposal.

By Rob Van Allen

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